Sport Vlaanderen invited LIVE² as a speaker on their VR Knowledge Day and to demonstrate the LIVE²Volley concept to a broader audience on November 8th 2018. Several sports federations witnessed the presentation of LIVE² to explain the concept of LIVE²Coach. Below YOU FIND the invitation.


INVITATION Knowledge Day



VAF approves funding application for preproduction support!

On 3 december 2018, the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds) approved the funding application of LIVE². More than 90% of the applied budget was approved, 70.000 EUR, for the development of a vertical slice, a light version of the concept of our VR Volleytrainer. A boost for the founders and team. Green light! Go!



Patent application & Fund Raising.

In parallel with the production of the first demonstrator of the training tool, LIVE² filed a patent application. The conclusion is expected end of 2019 or early 2020. In meantime we also started pitching to investors to speed up the development. Contacts with business angels and professional start-up funds are ongoing.


JULY 2019

Vertical Slice Finished!

With some pride, LIVE² announces that within the budget and anticipated time frame and also thanks to the financial support of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds) next to our own efforts, we have finished our demonstrator. This ‘vertical slice’ will be presented to a larger audience for the 1st time during the European Volley Championships 2019 next September 21st in the Antwerp Sportpaleis (B).


COMING SOON - september 2019

An impression of our activities during the European Volley Championship 2019 in Antwerpen (B).


Post event flyer